Hailing from Oaxaca, Mexico and currently based in Brussels, Vica Pacheco crafts a rich sound world that comes alive in surprising manifold turns. On the heels of Vocamorphosis, her stunning electroacoustic piece commissioned by France Culture where Ferrari-esque divagations venture into the untamed fancies of an imaginary wilderness, her debut record Symplegmata transposes a continuous exploration of unearthed sound narratives into briefer vignettes that, together, allow for a fully-fleshed mythology to unfurl. Departing from the idea of the symplegma - biological fusions, hermaphrodite sexuality, the amalgamation of distinct beings into fully-realized entities - Pacheco synthesizes field recordings and manipulated vocals in order to weld unique micro-sculptures that convey environments as contrasting as they are complementary.
The 12 tracks that compose Symplegmata can be interpreted as elements for an alternative science fiction soundtrack or as the leisurely tunes of a parallel civilization from future pasts; either way, the physicality of Pacheco’s sound crafting beckons the kind of immersive melding that, much like the underwater symplegmatic beings of her lore, generate new fusional experiences with each listen.
A1 Amatista
A2 Symplegma y Micromegas
A3 Amanecer
A4 La loma
A5 Château d'eau
A6 La Jacarandau
B1 Nocturno
B2 De la flor viene el fruto
B3 Batalla
B4 The Haunting Melody of Gayatri
B5 Sombra sin reptiles
B6 Las trenzas negras
Vica Pacheco – Symplegmata LP
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